New from Plainfield


New member
Hi all. I did not even know this site existed until the people at Air, Water & Ice told me. So i signed up! I've had my reef tank for about 4-5 years now. Its just a 55g with 60lbs live rock, Octopus skimmer, 4 bulb T-5 Aquatic Life light, 3 Koralia Evos, 2 clowns, a damsel, a peppermint shrimp, and a bunch of snails with my overbearing population of Kenya trees growing on their shells (seriously). So if you ever want free Kenya tree, let me know...I also have 2 different colored Zoas, a devils hand, a brain coral, mushroom anemones that my clowns are in love with, tons of green polyps, star polyps, and a hammer coral. I thinks thats everything...Anyway, glad I stumbled on this place. Look forward to talking with you all.


Pictures, Pictures, Pictures!

I only have the one at the moment. My RO/DI system has been busted and I FINALLY got the parts to fix it (a year later). So my tank will get a good scrubbing this weekend and I'll take some new pictures. The one I posted it about 9 months old. My zoas, kenya trees, and mushrooms are out of control now...
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Nice setup. Right down the street from me.

I used to live in Joliet, on S. Reed, just east of Larkin and Jefferson. Now I live in the part of Plainfield that is surrounded by Joliet. All the subdivisions around me are Joliet...and Plainfield South is in Joliet as well. Joliet is way too large and has some odd boundries haha.
Welcome! I just moved to Plainfield myself as of May 30th (127th and Rt59). I have a friend holding my tank at the moment so I'll have to make time to go get it back.

This is a great community and the best site for Chicagoland hands down!