New Guy Here


Hi everyone just recenetly found this site, heres a little about me.

I've always been a fan of fish growing up had small tanks here and there. Bought a new house roughly 2 years ago and ended up winning a 120 gallon tank/stand from a cichlid auction raffle drawing and here i am now

I'll snap some pics of my tank tomorrow as my fish are sleeping right now :)

The tank is mixed coral but mostly SPS.

Stock List:
Magnificient Fox, Vlamingi Tang, Kole Tang, Marbled Wrasse, 2 Snowflake Clowns, Ora Black Neon Dottyback, Royal Gramma, Long nose hawk, Diamond Goby, Purple Firefish (that always hides) and 2 Cleaner Shrimp

Picture time! Pictures kinda suck, ill try and get better ones tonight with a real camera.

Welcome - We love pics, so post some when you have the chance. Also, give us a run-down of equipment and stocking :)
Thanks for all the warm welcomes everyone.

Welcome. I spy a glass top. How's your temperature? Are you using a chiller to keep it cool?

I do have a glass top on it but since i have the tank in my basement i dont run into any temp issues at all, stays around 81 all the time, with my 2 heaters.