New Guy here


Hey guys,

Was in the hobby 20 years ago, got out when I moved. Had a pretty cool setup very old school with 365G upstairs (foyer) and basement for filtration.

Tried a nano about 5 years ago, let it go for a couple weeks and it crashed, just not 20G is just not resilient like the bigger tank.

Got a 57 3 years ago, let it go for about a month and it crashed in January.

So... just started a 150G about a month ago and added fish yesterday.

Pix and info to follow.
Welcome To CR! You've had some nice looking tanks, The 150 will certainly follow suit. Looking forward to pics of it with fish.
Thanks for the nice words. I'll be taking some pics of the new tank and posting soon. Just finishing cleaning the 57G and hardware.
Hello and welcome to the site. Glad to have you aboard. Yeah, you've had some nice setups, we'll try to help you keep this one successful.

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