Hey guys,
Was in the hobby 20 years ago, got out when I moved. Had a pretty cool setup very old school with 365G upstairs (foyer) and basement for filtration.
Tried a nano about 5 years ago, let it go for a couple weeks and it crashed, just not 20G is just not resilient like the bigger tank.
Got a 57 3 years ago, let it go for about a month and it crashed in January.
So... just started a 150G about a month ago and added fish yesterday.
Pix and info to follow.
Was in the hobby 20 years ago, got out when I moved. Had a pretty cool setup very old school with 365G upstairs (foyer) and basement for filtration.
Tried a nano about 5 years ago, let it go for a couple weeks and it crashed, just not 20G is just not resilient like the bigger tank.
Got a 57 3 years ago, let it go for about a month and it crashed in January.
So... just started a 150G about a month ago and added fish yesterday.
Pix and info to follow.