New guy


Hi all. My name is Jeff. I thought i would start utilizing this site for all your knowledge and to poss purchase and sell equipment i will be needing and not needing. Right now i have a 65 gallon acrylic reef that is doing very well (I think at least). I just got a fantastic deal on a 125 with dual overflows and a 55 gal sump along with an amazing amount of pumps, lights, rock, and other misc equipment. I just started refinishing the stand so the build will start soon. I'm looking to move all equipment into the basement with the display tank up in the living room. I have never done anything like this so it should be a learning experience. :banghead: View attachment 11946
Yes, I would say your tank is doing good. welcome to the site. as for your plans to have equiptment in the basement, there are a few guys here that have done that so ask away if you have questions.
Thanks every body. I look forward to the advice from everyone. Fyi I'm an electrician and do alot of work on the side, so if anyone needs any work like dedicated circuits or back up generators let me know. THANKS AGAIN!!