new here


New member
hi, new here. just ordered a 50 gal artisan all in one setup. should be here by friday. i've done this a few times but never here in chicago. i'll need to buy some live sand and live rock. where do you think has the best rock (most natural coralline) in the city? also, i live near the north and clybourn stop. thanks in advance

In the city there is New Fish and Old town aquarium. never been to either one. AquaPros in Glen Ellyn is by far my favorite LFS right now, but I dont know what their LR looks like. Reef Wise in Lisle has Large tubs with 1000lbs of nice rock in stock.
Welcome. I live in Lincoln Park. When I set up my tank I got my live rock from xzotic in Bensenville b/c it was much cheaper than the city.
okay thanks, i'm for sure going to check out old town aquarium. i've heard good things about that place and it's walking distance from me.
Welcome! Look on this site in the market section for rock. People are always selling it. You will be able to see the section after you have 25 post.