New Nuvo 16 build....


Active member
So I upgraded my 8 gal Nuvo for the 16 gal today. Put it together in 20 min and didn't get a chance to put the lights on... All I did was put rock in and run out door to work...
np. Yeah I'm contemplating keeping it for a tiny frogfish... but have to see because I'm waiting on my 137 rimless from Reef Savvy to be finished.
That's what I'd be housing the ghost shrimp for, I keep them in a critter cage next to my frogfish nano.
Tank going to look great when you get that light on it.

Yeah I know.. I was at Aquatica and I mentioned that I was possibly going to change light and Mario showed me the AI light retro fitted another tank. I took it off to see if it would work on 16 and it fit perfect... then I started thinking and left with my wallet hurting.

sent u pm too Isaac
so I was able to get the lights on and programmed. Still have to transfer my stuff over... and clean up wires.. but this is it with AI Sol. Took pic with iPhone so really blue.

I have been a little slow with updates bc I'm holding off until I get back from my trip the 1st week of April, but here is my AI SOL's hung.. and a Rasta Lobo I picked up.... Also I got a Avast ATO for the system... just need to set it up.
Good job so far bro on the nuvo.. I just changed my lighting to ai nano led.. U inspired me to get an ai led lol
Good job so far bro on the nuvo.. I just changed my lighting to ai nano led.. U inspired me to get an ai led lol

Light is nice isn't it?!? I still have my 8 gallon... Holding onto it in case MCF gets me a frogfish... But I also have a 24x24x14 I just ordered as well on top of this one and my 48x30x22 I ordered. Gonna get have to get rid of one or two... We'll see.
Oh wow u have a ton of tanks bro.. Yeah the light is awesome.. I made a mistake of not buying the controller right away so monday im gonna get it at aqua cave..