New reefer looking for some guidence and experienced help


New member
Like I said im very new to this awesome hobby and ive had a very rough start to say the least.. Ive managed to kill just about everything on my 1st try, now im looking for some experienced help to get me back on track before I try to restart my setup.. I can go into more detail if someone is willing to help me out.. Thanks in advance guys
Well, just explain your issues here and we'll ask question and offer advice. First explain your system, your water parameters, and what has gone wrong.
from your previous posts, i would go ahead and keep the live rock you got. not sure how much of the used sand you used but i would go ahead and just buy new sand and ditch all the old sand out. have a friend hold all the coral and fish that are still alive and start your tank over. cycle with store bought ammonia or dead shrimp or fish food. get some test kits for ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates. test your levels every few days to see where you are in your cycle. depending on your live rock, this can take 2 weeks to 6 weeks. all depends. your ammonia levels will start, then you will have ammonia and nitrites then all three will show up. Then your ammonia and nitrites will get to 0 and nitrAtes will be high. This is when you do your first waterchange. After this make sure to add your livestock very slowly. add 1-2 fish and coral then wait a week or two to make sure the bioload is ok. you can test for ammonia to make sure. you should NOT have any readings on this test if you did everything correctly because the bacteria will convert it to nitrates. Then after a few weeks, you can add some more livestock.

Take it slow and ask away.

And welcome to CR.
+1 to what fredfish said and post some more info about what your setup and questions that way we can help you more.