New saltwater n00b looking for Chicago saltwater hobbyists


New member
Hello everyone,

My name is Michael and I joined the hobby about 6 months ago. I am a quick learner but I know I have so much more to learn on this hobby. I purchased a used 28 gal nano cube from someone and I have a yellow tang, two oscellaris clowns, a diamond goby, a Lubbock's wrasse, and two small tangs (yellow and blue) The tangs are temporary and very small.

I also have a cleaner shrimp, two peppermint shrimp and some hermit crabs and Fiji turbo snails.

For coral I have a small toadstool, a small torch, a two head trumpet that grew two more heads and I have another type of toadstool.

I really want to get into more coral and have a great reef. I have the regular two pumps that came with the tank. For lighting my tank has a 150 watt metal halide system and I have a 14K phoenix bulb in there.

I had to look into different lighting today though. My switch on the ballast is going bad. I am thinking of switching to LED but it is costly.

I may just get a new ballast instead.

Anyways, I look forward to meeting new locals and learning a lot.

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Hi everyone! Thanks for the welcomes and I will upload some photos tomorrow.

As for the tangs, they aren't staying in here. I got them from a LFS here in Chicago. They are nano tangs. They are about a half inch in size.

They are going to a much bigger tank when they grow a little bit.

I love fish and animals so I'm not about to house them in areas too small for them.

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