New skimmer & GFO/carbon


New member now I've upgraded my protein skimmer yesterday (12/12) to the Diablo sx-225 for my 150 gal the last's not pulling any green stuff yet. When can I expect that to happen?

I also added GFO/carbon..but yet..and again..nothing is happening..all my corals are still staying small and phosphates are still elevated .25. I used 2 cups of GFO and 2 cups of carbon rox .08.

I'm getting ready to totally change out the refugium, sand, live rock particles and algae if this doesn't turn around soon.

I'm not dosing with anything. Ph and pretty much all parameters are good.

Its not going to happen overnight. Skimmer usually needs few days to brake in before starting to pull some nasty stuff. GFO will need to be changed often at beginning ( I would do once a week till you see your phosphate go down. Than you can run it longer. Two cups on 150 gal. with PO4 at .25 will exhaust very quick.
Gfo and carbon doesnt magically remove stuff overnight. You have to give them days to weeks. You can do a water change for fast results