New tank

So picked up the 120 /150 that was on here the aio set up . Going to buff build stand and canopy .
Current tank is a 72 bowfront rr . Can I use all from it but sand buy new sand use all live rock and water . Will all my sps be ok or should I try and remove all my corals and set up and wait for cycle to finish...

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So picked up the 120 /150 that was on here the aio set up . Going to buff build stand and canopy .
Current tank is a 72 bowfront rr . Can I use all from it but sand buy new sand use all live rock and water . Will all my sps be ok or should I try and remove all my corals and set up and wait for cycle to finish...

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You might have a little cycle. You could always buy a few bottles of turbo start

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Should be ok. Similar to doing a big water change. Depending on how fine your sand is, I might even move some of that over after a good rinse in old tank water. I know most probably wouldn’t do that though.

Like Gugs said, you might want to dump in some bacteria to be safe.
For what its worth........
I filled my 450 gallon system and brought it up to temp. (took about 12hrs) and put in 4 bottles of turbostart 900 (i think that was the number) at 6pm. The following day added 6 chromis. I did this after speaking personally to a person directly involved with turbo start. The tank had 300 +/- pounds of dry rock in it from a previous tank. It had been dried out for a month.
There was NEVER a cycle. I never saw any ammonia with multiple test brands. The first thing I saw was a small amount of Nitrate about a week or so later. I tested daily for amonia and Nitrite. I have never been a believer in magic potions but this stuff made me a fan. Almost 2 months in and still have never seen any ammonia or nitrite and at this point, it isnt going to happen.
Had I not tried this myself I would of been the first to call someone a liar about it but I saw it with my own eyes. Did I get lucky? Possibly but I doubt it. I think it did what its advertised to do.
With all that said a bottle of turbo start and I wouldnt worry about it Scott.