New to Chicago Reefs.


New member
Hi All,

I recently joined Chicago Reefs. [MENTION=2309]enzo1028[/MENTION] told me about it and said it was a great community. I use to be into the hobby about 5-6 years ago until my tank cracked and decided to put the hobby on hold.

After seeing [MENTION=2309]enzo1028[/MENTION] post pics on facebook so often, I decided to get back into the hobby.

Just picked up a 60 gallon cube with a sump on Sunday. Ordered Superflux lights and they should be arriving today. This is my first time with a Sump, and trying to move into the land of Corals. Before I did fish only with Live Rock. Going to take it slow and steady and hopefully have a successful tank.

Im super excited to get back into things and to get to know you all.

Welcome in Tony! I can't wait to check out that cube once it's set up.

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Welcome, more the better, what kind of stocking list you thinking, fish only , Lps , sps?


I honestly haven't given it much thought yet. Still doing some research to decide what I want to do. Any suggestions? Probably going to start with a pair of clowns. Corals are definitely going to happen eventually once water gets to a safe level.
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