New to Chicagoland - Need help


New member
Hi all! I am moving from San Diego to SW Chicago area next month.

I'm looking for some help and pointers to start up my tank from scratch after the move.

I currently have 150g & 20g systems. I think only the 150 is coming with me.

Looking for advice on:
- What are good LFS's for fish/coral/supplies?
- Does anyone know of someone who builds stands? My 150 is a peninsula tank, but it has a traditional stand. Any leads?
- Any good sources of saltwater? I'm going to miss getting it from a hose at Scrips aquarium!

Thanks in advance!

Quite a move! Enjoy the warm weather while you can, it's still a bit nippy here and was absolutely nuts a few weeks ago.

You have a few options for LFS. My picks are Wojtek's Reef (check facebook, he's also a sponsor on here), Aqua Pros, Reef Geeks, Reefwise, and Sho Tank Aquariums. There are quite a few more in the Chicagoland area but these are my go-to's.

Stand builders I lost touch of. The previous owner of Sho Tank used to make gorgeous custom stands and canopies, maybe give them a call and see if the new owners are still in that side of business.

In Chicago best to make your own, we don't have that Pacific Ocean luxury lol. And with a 150g, I'd say it's worth having your own RO/DI unit.
Oh boy!... you are leaving the place with the best weather in the country
Are you moving in the city or suburbs? Chicago is a big city and has lots of suburbs. In my opinoin it would be best to learn the good places in and around your area first.
The city has a lot of aquarium stores but the prices will be also city prices. You can also find good stores in the suburbs, it all depends where you move.
Fish_wiz2 gave you a few places in the city and some are in different suburbs, quite a drive from the city. Nevertheless , they are good places.
I could add a few more : Tank it Easy, Old Town Aquarium , Ocean Design Aquarium , Ocean Design Aquarium ( they could perhaps help you with the stand) .These are places where I sometimes shop in the City.
I live on the north site and here are the places closest to me where I shop the most: Seven Seas Aquatic Life in Mounth Prospect , Old Orchard Aquarium in Skokie (they have a big anual sale and you can get excelent prices on lots of fish, investebrates and corals) and Beyond the Reef in Schamburg.
I hope this helps. Good luck with the move.
I've finally arrived and settled near at Joliet as that will be close to work. Tomorrow the crew arrives to uncrate both tanks and get them close to final locations. Can't wait to get started! I have a few more more questions...

- Thanks for the LFS recommendations. Anything closer to Joliet?
- Anyone willing to do plumbing or leads on who provides the service? I definitely will need some help!
- Is there a source for parts? We had Aquatic Warehouse in SD for pipes, bulkheads, etc.

Thanks again! Hopefully spring arrives soon. This white stuff is no fun.

I second [MENTION=2397]r33fswagg3r[/MENTION] he could do everything you need top notch stuff from him
Aquatica is probably your closest go to place. Mermaids cove is close for some livestock, especially clean up crew. Everything else would be north or south a little ways.
Welcome to the area and the community. Most of our sponsors are a good places to checkout. Bulkreef supply and premium aquatica are both close to us and have lots of plumbing and fittings and shipping from them is 1 to 2 days so you will have it fast. Tank it Easy builds really nice stands and will help setup aquariums. I've seen some of their work and it is top notch.

Again welcome to the community and if you need help just post here. There is a large group of us with a lot of knowledge who are very active here.