New to CR


Just wanted to say hi. I'm new to Chicago Reef, but have been in the hobby for a number of years. I had a 180G about 2 1/2 years ago when hubby lost his job. We decided to sell it all so we could have money for less important things like the mortgage and food, :ohwell: for example.

Making a long story short, hubby was lucky and found employment 6 months later, and we decided to move from Wheeling to Streamwood about 1 year ago. I started a planted freshwater for 5 months, which was SOOOO BORING, and just switched back to salt about a month ago.

I added my first fish yesterday, a flame hawkfish, a royal gramma and the cutest little high fin red banded goby, and a few very small frags.

I want to thank Kratos and Helitaiwan for telling me about this forum. I've been doing this for 4 years and never knew it existed!

So hello to all of you, and I look forward to continuing my education with you.
Welcome! I was in the same boat. Kept freshwater for a bit, but when I was 14 started keeping nano salt tanks. 10 years later running a 55, and setting up a 100 gallon :) I NEVER knew this site existed. Very glad I found it.
Wow, that's a warm welcome. Thanks everyone!
I did take some pictures. I hope you all like to look at very clean, (only because it's new) naked tanks, because that's as exciting as it is right now!

Full Tank Shot
Do you think I need to worry about the birdnest and monticap getting too big for my tank anytime soon? :laugh (2):

Left island

Right Island

Hi fin red banded goby

Trying to get away from the camera is my Royal Gramma

Here's my very camera shy hawkfish:doh:
Maybe another day!

And that all important sump.

Hi to my Streamwood neighbors. I think I was the only reefer when I lived in Wheeling. It's great to have others so close to me.
I live halfway between 59 and Bartlett Rds, and just south of Irving Park. I guess that would be considered the South end of Streamwood?
For those that live near me, do you have any issues with low pH and alkalinity? My pH won't go above 7.8, and Alk is down to 5.6!!!
I'm hoping it's just that the tank is newer, but will be setting up my auto dosing when I get my ALK, CALC and MAG from BRS early next week. Didn't think I would need to this soon since the tank has only had really tiny corals since yesterday and nothing else unless it's all being absorbed by the marco rocks?

I'm also going to be in the market for lots of frags over the next couple of weeks, so please don't hesitate to PM me if you will be selling anything, (I'll be keeping an eye on the for sale threads, also) and not to far from Streamwood. As you can see, there's lots of space to fill. I'm interested in acans, frogspawn, hammers, ricordeas, as well as some of the easier SPS's like monti's, pocillipora,stylophora's, and birds nest ... until the tank matures a little bit longer.

Hope I'll get the opportunity to meet some of you I'm always interested in seeing all the great tanks that everyone keeps.