New to CR!!


New member
Hello everyone,

I was told to check out the site by a friend that is on here. Here is me in a nut shell. I am kinda new to the hobby. I've been I've been a reefer head now for about a 8 months. I'm running a 37g Oceanic with a 7g W/D sump. Right now I'm running CFs for lighting, but I'm thinking about up grading to a Illumagic S model 24". I have 2 clowns, rose anemone, handfull of mushrooms, and Xenia. Hoping to maybe start raising some sps. Hope to learn a lot from you all.
Eric, I think you may have pulled a thread that posted earlier about an Illumagic light. I truly am interested to hear if any one has any experience with them cause I'm thinking about maybe getting one for my tank.

EyeReef pulled it under suspicion that you were secretly working for the Illumagic trying to promote their goods without becoming a sponsor. Things like that happen sometimes and it would obviously not be fair to a paying sponsor, like Prestige LED, if that were the case. Mike, (EyeReef, the site owner) sent you a private message inquiring about this. Did you respond to him?