Hello everyone,
I was told to check out the site by a friend that is on here. Here is me in a nut shell. I am kinda new to the hobby. I've been I've been a reefer head now for about a 8 months. I'm running a 37g Oceanic with a 7g W/D sump. Right now I'm running CFs for lighting, but I'm thinking about up grading to a Illumagic S model 24". I have 2 clowns, rose anemone, handfull of mushrooms, and Xenia. Hoping to maybe start raising some sps. Hope to learn a lot from you all.
I was told to check out the site by a friend that is on here. Here is me in a nut shell. I am kinda new to the hobby. I've been I've been a reefer head now for about a 8 months. I'm running a 37g Oceanic with a 7g W/D sump. Right now I'm running CFs for lighting, but I'm thinking about up grading to a Illumagic S model 24". I have 2 clowns, rose anemone, handfull of mushrooms, and Xenia. Hoping to maybe start raising some sps. Hope to learn a lot from you all.