New to reef


Well-known member
I'm new to doing corals. I have done fish with live rock but haven't ventured into corals but I just got a green ricordia for free from my buddy. I have a 15 gallon tall tank with a led panel rated at 120 watts but it's dimmed down quite a bit and good filtration. I'm just wondering what would be some others to start out with that are going to be easier to keep and get me started into this. Thanks and all opinions are appreciated
Okay. Now I just need to get some more haha. Now do I have to do anything special to get them to attach the rock or do I just place it? Sorry again but I received the ricordia on a rock already
Just remember to start slow, and check your water parameters , calcium, alkalinity, ect.... All corals are different , so there will be different ways to attach .
Yeah from talking to him for a little the other night seems like a great guy. He is hooking me up with some bam bams, blowpops and alpha omegas