New to Saltwater...


New member
I have finally decided to make the leap from freshwater to saltwater, so I figured I had better get reading and start saving my pennies. :)

I currently have a 75 gallon freshwater tank, but I will probably sell it and start over. The idea of trying to fill a 75 gallon tank with rock and corals boggles my mind; I want to start a bit smaller. I do already have a reverse osmosis system. I have the disadvantage of being a poor college student, but I am inventive and persistent, so it hasn't stopped me yet. It also helps that any tool I could ever want is already sitting in my garage haha.
75 is a great sized reef tank! Save the cash and just clean the 75 up! A vinegar rubdown will do the trick and you're good to go.

The only downside to a 75 gallon sized tank is its not a 1,000 gallon tank :)

When it comes to saltwater, larger tanks like a 75 are actually a LOT easier to maintain than something like a 20 or 30 gallon because the increased water volume helps a great deal with dilution of toxins, water chemistry issues like salinity level swings and trace minerals (you'll read a lot about that on here), and also diluting the poop. Don't cheat yourself out of a good sized reef because you think smaller will be easier, cause its just not true.
Yeah, the 75 gallon wouldn't be too bad, it just isn't quite the look I was going for. I am aiming to build/acquire something rimless that is a lot more open than my 75 gallon. :) That way you can view the tank from the top as well as the side. I have had a betta in a rimless 10 gallon on my dresser forever, and I love the look of that tank. I wouldn't want to jam much more than a betta in there though lol, because I cant put a sump in my dresser. XD

I'd a post a pic, but my tank is very boring right now, since I have been slowly clearing it out. That, and I don't know where I put my camera lol. It is the generic grey oceanic 75 gal tank, with a couple rainbows and angelfish. :)
That depends on the tank size I end up with, but I'm leaning towards something around 40 gallons. I've been browsing craigslist and waiting to pounce haha. xP I have built a tank before, so I may decide to go that route if I get too impatient.

The equipment is actually what finally made me decide to sell the 75 gallon. The gravel, driftwood, plants, random filters, and etc would be a pain to get rid of one by one lol. So I'm just going to sell them as a set and start over.
A 40 breeder is a great size too. Just lurk around until Petco has a $1 per gallon sale and you're golden.

It's what I did for my sump. 40 breeder custom sump under a 110. The cashier was shocked when it came up $40 cause she didn't know the sale was on and called the manager.
+1. The 40 breeder has really nice dimensions. Great tank to start out with imo. 2 years later and I'm still diggin my 40. Although an upgrade is in store soon. Gl with whatever you decide.
Thanks, I was looking at various tank sizes at petco and petsmart today, and I agree with you guys. I will probably end up with a 40 gallon breeder. :) I'll let you guys know. I'm in no hurry though, so it could be a while.
welcome. What I find out is the bigger the better for saltwater you start with a 75 and in 6mo you will want a 125 and 1yr later you will want a 220 lol go big you wont be disappointed.good luck