New to saltwater!


Just wanted to say this seems like a great forum. New to saltwater, used to keep cichlids when I was a teenager 20+ years ago, always intimidated by SW. Wife and kids wanted fish, kids each wanted bettas, so they got small gallon tanks, wife wanted fish then, she fell in love with the 6 gallon fluval edge and decided on cardinal tetras with some live plants. Then the trouble started. While at a LFS, saw a 12 gallon edge used for sale at a price I couldn't pass up. It had previously been a SW setup and we intended to use it as FW. I got the bright idea to keep it as SW and give it a shot. The family is absolutely enthralled by this tank and we don't even have anything in it other than live rock to include mussels and whatever hitchhikers came with the rock. It completely captivates all of us constantly looking for new life and finding it. There is at least one brittle star and I can't figure out if there are more or if they are bristle worms that occasionally stick out of holes in the LR. I have done more reading about proper lighting in the last few days than I ever thought I would. We would like to have it as mostly coral with only 2-3 small fish (clowns and perhaps a goby). My plan is to build a proper LED using the Lumia 5.1 chip and a storm controller. It's going to mentally suck spending 3 times the cost of the tank on lighting, but that seems to be the most important part of the tank aside from flow and proper chemical levels. Any advise or constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated. Closest LFS is ocean design(where I got the tank) living sea(kids like feeding the tarpon and puffer) coral reef(been going there for years) and a place I am going to check out today as its close to work, xzotix aquatic. Not planning on fish for at least a month or two, tank will be running a week this Friday (11-1). Thanks for reading my crazy rambling.
I will try to post a crappy phone picture of the tank, pretty limited on rock choices because of the small opening in the tank.
Tank looks great. As far as lighting goes, if it makes you feel better they always cost more than the tanks. this looks like it will be a fun project for you and the family. One thing I will tell you is to keep and eye on water parameters. In smaller thanks they can swing easier. Also try to get a nano Auto Top Off system for water to keep you salinity levels stable. Best of luck and ask any questions you have
Welcome!! Love the rockwork. One word of advice, look around for a spot to put a bigger tank, it wont be long before you want one LOL
Welcome!! Love the rockwork. One word of advice, look around for a spot to put a bigger tank, it wont be long before you want one LOL

**** right! Been trying to figure out if my living room floor will support 2500lbs so I can put a 240 in there. I am hesitant, as it doesnt seem practical ha!

Thanks to everyone for the kind words. I bought the rock from ocean design, the owners seem like great people.

We are planning on soft coral for sure, (hammers, torches kids like the stuff that moves) perhaps a different tank if I ever get informed enough for hard coral. Kids are fascinated by the tiny number of things that look like a feather duster attached to the middle rock, worms of some sort?
Welcome. Your going the right way about having a saltwater tank, reading , reading and more reading! Your not rushing into anything and that will save you tons of headaches and money down the line.
Welcome. Your going the right way about having a saltwater tank, reading , reading and more reading! Your not rushing into anything and that will save you tons of headaches and money down the line.
Lol just dont read what we write were all flippen nuts .
Btw i know what tank u bought lol if your local stores r ocean design and living sea then u in my neck of the woods. Wekcome to the site . Ps. Im not kidding when i say few of us r nuts just ignore the madness and hit the info then join the madness . Gets worse in winter time lol nobody has nothing better to do
Welcome to the site! Glad you have made it on here. Feel free to ask any questions you may have.