New to the forum - Have been running saltwater tanks since 2007

Jason R

New member
Hello Everyone! Chi-Reefer told me to check out this forum so here I am.

I was running a 150 gallon tank for 5 years that alternated between Reef and FOWLR. The tank was on the main floor with a refugium sump in the basement. We noticed that this setup generated a lot of humidity in our basement which we tried to control with a dehumidifier. Unfortunately the dehumidifier could keep up and too many metal things stored in the basement were getting rusty. We were afraid of mold in the walls from the pipes so we decided to downsize to a 100 gallon tank with the refugium in the stand. We just picked up our new tank this past weekend and I sold the old one to Chi-Reefer. I look forward to sharing pictures of the new tank as it gets set up.
Ah started the introduction. Can't wait to see the new tank up and running. It's a sharp looking tank. I'm excited to get the 150g up and running. Hope I can start on it soon.