New to the Hobby And Chicago Reefs


New member
Hello all,
My name is Aaron And I am new to the Hobby. I live in Paxton Il. I just purchased a 125 gallon tank with a 20 sump, And I cant wait for it to cycle, I am sure I will have a ton of questions in the near future, I want to do it right the first time. Well I am looking forward to the days, Weeks , And months ahead . And i really cant wait to start addind coral and fish. Well I am Thankful for you letting me into your club, Nice to meet all of you.
hello & welcome! While you're waiting on the cycle set up a build thread and snap some photos of your setup. Good luck!
Hello and welcome to the site...glad to have you aboard. Continue to practice patience, because that's the number 1 thing needed in this hobby...well, that and water. :)
:wel6: Glad to have you with us. ask away. any question you have, someone on here already had and now has the solution. the only bad question is the one you dont ask...