New to the hobby


Hi All,

Ive had freshwater tanks in the past but my cousin's tank lead me to begin my own. Currently cycling a 29g Biocube with live rock. Open to any suggestions or warnings as I am new to the saltwater world. My goal is to keep it simple with some clownfish and a goby / shrimp pair plus beginner corals until I learn more as my tank grows.

Looking forward to meeting and interacting with people on the site!
Welcome! I had a 29BC back in the day myself, great tank size not so great filter. Best investment for it was the inTank media baskets and an ATO, I bought the tank used with DIY LEDs so that was a plus.

Take it slow and make water changes a habit and you'll be golden.
I'll agree with fish wiz and his recommendations. Maybe a small powerhead to get a Little more flow.

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Hello and welcome to CR. Good suggestions from silverado and fish wiz. Take things slow; research livestock before you buy; ask questions, we were all in your shoes at one point.
Thanks everyone! I’m really excited to get going on this. I had plans to add a sump or convert the refugium into a mini sump. Have 1 Ai prime light and cycling with live sand + 10 lbs of Bali live rock from old town aq. In the market for dead rock as well.
Thanks everyone! I’m really excited to get going on this. I had plans to add a sump or convert the refugium into a mini sump. Have 1 Ai prime light and cycling with live sand + 10 lbs of Bali live rock from old town aq. In the market for dead rock as well.

Welcome to CR... A lot of learning but you will be good one day. For dead rock, clean/soak in vinegar (some people use bleach) really well before put in the tank
Personal opinion but for that tank, I find an external sump is a hassle, as the shape of it makes it hard to find a cheap sump to fit in the stand (which sucks to begin with), while you can definitely find custom ones, they do come with a nice price tag. Keeping the back chamber and filter media clean and running a fuge will be more than enough for a healthy tank. Plus flow, at the time I used an MP10, I'd say a cheap Jebao will do the trick.

Since I'm going down memory lane, here's my old tank:

One of my first purchases was a 425 gph because the original pump was weak so im good there. My cousin mentioned that flow is a key in having a healthy tank. My goal is to upgrade to maybe a 50-70 g tank in June when I move into my own apartment so paying for high quality will help in the long run. Does anyone have an recommendations for coral that they began with and enjoyed?
One of my first purchases was a 425 gph because the original pump was weak so im good there. My cousin mentioned that flow is a key in having a healthy tank. My goal is to upgrade to maybe a 50-70 g tank in June when I move into my own apartment so paying for high quality will help in the long run. Does anyone have an recommendations for coral that they began with and enjoyed?
Zoa's are always nice. I just went right in and my first two corals were a hammer and a torch

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Definitely getting a torch one day
Unfortunately I just lost my torch last week. My own fault, due to lack of maintenance since I have been so busy. Going to try and get another one here soon. Just have to find one I really like

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Sorry to hear that, thats unfortunate. I travel a decent bit in the winter so I dont see myself getting anything that cant go a couple days on its own for a while. What kind was it?
Sorry to hear that, thats unfortunate. I travel a decent bit in the winter so I dont see myself getting anything that cant go a couple days on its own for a while. What kind was it?
Was just a standard green with white tip torch.

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