New to this site


Premium member
Hi all! I'm new to this site and looking forward to meeting many others. I live downstate in Roanoke. Lived in the burbs for 35 years before getting out of the "rat race".

I've been keeping saltwater for 34 years and reefing for 5years. I've seen a lot of changes in the technology of aquariums. My tank is a 125 with a 40 gal fuge. My tank is mixed a few sps heavier on lps and softies, I'm a big fan of Aqua Illumination LED lights. Still trying to figure out my Profilux3.

I'm active in our club in central IL BNARC. Just finished my term on the BOD.
In our club we do make road trips to Chi town. I do have my favorites. But always looking for more GOOD shops. I'm hoping I'll learn about a few more here.

Looking forward to meeting you.

Welcome! We're glad to have someone with your kinda knowledge around here. Wow 39 years total! I've bet you've seen everything come and go about now in this hobby. Glad to have you aboard!
Thanks all! When I first got into Saltwater. No One kept coral. I worked at a shop in South Holland-Aquatics Limited. It was undergravel filtration and/or a hang on box filter filled with floss and carbon. Lighting was a single / double flourescent bulb or incandescent bulb.

SG was measured with glass hydrometers.

damsels were $3.99
Percula clowns were $5.99
Flame Angels were $50
Clown triggers were about $100
Purple tangs supposedly were available $400 upfront live delivery not guarenteed.
Tinkerii Butterfly came through about $100.
There used to be a lot of butterflies that came through. No one knew the food requirements.

Welcome to ChicagoReefs, Im in a southern suburb of Chicago also , A little south east of you Gibson City Il