New to this whole thing


New member
Hey, my name is matt...I've been lurking around the forums for a while now, just haven't posted anything. Some good stuff on here

I have never had fish before, or known anyone with a saltwater tank, but since I can't have a dog in my building this seemed like a good idea

I started my tank up mid-January, it's a 29g biocube, cycle finished and a clown went in a week or 2 ago. All is going well so far!

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Hi Matt, I just started a tank myself. You are in good company with fellow reefers in the Mount Prospect area. Thats where I got my live rocks from. Feel free to post pictures of your tank and setup.
Welcome to CR and the hobby. Your in for one heck of a ride. Would love to see some pics. I started out with a BC29 too. Great tank to start out with. Good luck!

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So it's been interesting, I had a fish in the tank, turns out it had ich, so the tank has been empty aside from the fire shrimp and a few snails for a few weeks. The plan was to leave it empty for a couple months and quarantine the next fish that goes in.

That's where my issue is, we were notified that the power will be out in my building for 8 hours while they replace a transformer. I have no backup plan for power outage as it's extremely rare that it goes out. Along with that, I am planning on moving some time in the next few months I want to get the tank out of the house while I'm trying to sell.

I'll post in the selling forum, but I'm thinking just give away what little livestock is there and restarting when I move

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You just started. More heart wrenching disasters will happen. As in, kick your own a@@ if you could.

That transformer issue seems to be stressing you. Get a battery powered air pump, tubing and an airstone. Think it over again a few days after that blows over. No feeding prior, and obviously, no feeding during the outage.

If the tank is overstocked, you may wan't to do a partial give away. I doubt you overstocked this early in the game, but your tank is too new to handle the "1 inch of fish per gallon" rule. Best of luck.
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An 8 hour power outage shouldn't be a huge issue.. I would increase the temp to 83 slowly prior to the expected power outage so that as the power is out the temp can come down slowly. Flow and lights being out for 8 hours shouldn't be an issue. Temp is the only thing I would worry about. I would also jack up the temp in your apartment to 85 so that when the power is out the ambient temperature in your apartment keeps the tank warm. I would wager by the time the power comes back on your temp should be around 76 depending on your system. As long as you are not keeping sps everything should be fine. Hope that helps and again I'm only sharing from experience with having planned power outages as well and I keep a ton of sps and 14 different fish, never lost anything..

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Thanks, no corals at the moment and no fish, so not much to worry about, just an excuse at I time that's right about when I will need to shut it down to move anyway. Will give this as shot and see what happens!

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