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New member
Hey everyone,

I am new to the fish world. I am looking to get into it.

I think I want to start off small to see if I like it first.
Any recommendations?
An all in one system is good for a first timer. Such as a biocube or JBJ nano which also includes lighting in the hood. Or an innovative marine with separate lighting.
Go slow with whatever you do..
You'd likely find several folks selling if you start a new "Want to Buy" thread for an all in one tank, or whatever you're looking for. If you're looking to go a little bigger you might also find someone selling an entire setup.
And stick around here.. Lots of good people that are always willing to help ya out!.. Keep us posted on your progress, thoughts, etc.. :)
Alright.. Well then let's get your post count up!. :P

Where do you want to go with your tank.. What are you thinking of putting in it? Are you more of a fish guy or coral's? This hobby is going to be expensive, especially the start up cost so be prepared.. And be prepared for a TON of patience to be needed!.. Nothing good happens fast in this hobby. With a biocube, your looking at a start up cost of around $1,500 when all is said and done.. That's BEFORE you even put fish or coral in.. Then once you get the tank running you should leave it running for a few weeks to grow all of the good bacteria, etc before even thinking of putting fish or coral in it. So what are your questions!?.. Ask away!.. :)
haha Im not sure yet what I want, I have just gone to the stores to look at all the fish and corals. What is the easiest set up I could start off with? Something like a small clown fish and a coral to go with?
Lots of easy corals.. Do some image searches on mushrooms, zoanthids, Duncan, Euphyllia.. That should give you something to look at for awhile.. All are pretty easy and are good starter coral. Clowns are easy but there are some rules.. So if you see something you like let us know and we can help ya out.. 2 clowns in your tank.. One has to be bigger than other.. Not 3 clowns.. 2... lol.. You can get an anemone but not until your tank is at least 6 months old.. Everyone does things differently.. What works for me may not work for another member of the boards.. So there will be A LOT of right answers that you will receive..
Welcome to da club. When you finally get your system up and running, if you are willing to drive, i will hook you up with a zoanthid frag or 2 to get you started.

Remember, ASK QUESTIONS, ASK QUESTIONS, ASK QUESTIONS!!! There is a huge amount of knowledge here.
This hobby can get expensive real quick if you rush into things. Problems will arise and you will be doing things over costing you double what it should have. Ask me how i know.

We are all here for the same reason, well most of us at least, for the love of the hobby! We are all ready to help answer any questions you may have.
Hi Matt Welcome to the forum. You are in for an adventure. Best of luck as you get going. To make this experience enjoyable listen to suggestions. NEW THREAD button will be your best friend.