newbie algea help


New member
what is it, how do i get rid of it
tank was fine the all of the sudden this showed up, rodi water, salinity is good, tank is not dosed, light run 7 hours a day, coral only, water changed weekly, been running for abut 9 months
sorry for the glass coraline and bad pictures
View attachment 10584View attachment 10585
thanks for any help
Hair algae. I would start by pulling out as much by hand as possible. Then during your next WC use a toothbrush to scrub and siphon at the same time any algae that's left. What kind of CUC do you have?
vinegar dose after by pulling out as much by hand as possible. Then during your next WC use a toothbrush to scrub and siphon at the same time any algae that's left
My suggestion would be 3-4 days lights out and then see how it goes. What are your phosphates and the TDS of your water you are using for water changes? Do you use RODI water?
You might try peroxide in lieu of dosing. Reach out to @miadia for assistance. He's too modest to admit it but he is the peroxide master.
Looks like your rocks maybe leaching phosphates all the ideas said here will work but id remove as much as possible by hand grad a tuxedo urchine or two to keep it in check . I had same issue when i set up a biocube over night and stocked it completely in one day urchins and snails did killer job and over time the tank will stabile just takes awhile . GL