Newbie Reefer seeking advice


Hello Reefers
just thought i would introduce my self. I am new to the hobby. i have a 75b tank that i am hopelessly trying to convert in to a reef tank. Its been running for a week now. I would like to share what knowledge i have lol and gain some from all the pros at CR. thanks
I have brown algae growning on my LR and on my LS i also have green grass like algae growing on my LR,...what should i do
slow down there killer. haha First give us the specs on your tank... equipment, water source, salt, lighting, time running, livestock, etc. and we can go from there.

The brown is most likely diatoms and is being fueled by silicates... They will go away as long as the silicate source is not replenishing itself. The Green hair algea can be a few different kinds and can be cause by different reasons... not enough flow, high nutrients, high phosphates....
I have brown algae growning on my LR and on my LS i also have green grass like algae growing on my LR,...what should i do

First thing to do if you do not already have one is buy a "reef" parameters test kit, including calcium, carbonate hardness (dkh), phosphates, nitrates and magnesium to start with. Without knowing the parameters of your tank, it will be very difficult to provide accurate advice.
Hi and welcome! Was it a FW tank that you used to keep and now you're getting into SW? If it's not a big deal to start your cycle again, I would recommend drilling your tank for a sump. JUst my $.02.
Welcom to CR. Everyone will be able to help a ton. The best advice of all is just to have patience.
"Only bad things happen fast in this hobby"-everyone