Newbie Saying Hello and...


New member
Great website, I am so happy to have found it. We are new to this game, having kept every Freshwater fish/plant known to man. Currently starting a biocube 29, which will probably just entice us to many more endeavors. Looking forward to seeing my tank develop. I currently have sand, 25lbs of live rock, including some in the back chamber, two zoas including a bam bam and a fire and ice. We have a Blue devil damsel in there for now, and plan on slowly increasing coral and then just a FEW fish. Wish usluck!

They call that damsel a "devil" for a reason. You might want to carefully plan his tankmates or trade him in if you intend on getting peaceful "nano" fishes.

Welcome to CR :)
Thanks for the info. I was kinda wondering that myself, and there is SO much to learn out there. I so appreciate sites like this.

Was wondering then, which fish would you all suggest to add to our menagerie, given our devilish resident.

Also, this tank was not my first choice, knowing its limited lighting and heat issues created by the sealed tank. That said, what would you add as far as corals that can tolerate that particular lighting set up. I know I will eventually be upgrading to a much larger tank with proper coral lighting but for now, baby steps. thanks