not good!


hey guys.
got my tank running almost 2 weeks now and yesterday i find some black spots near my front glass in/on sand.after check it today i can smell "rotten eggs" on my fingers:embarassed:... i know it doesnt sound good.should i get some cleanup crew to stir up my sand?closed loop is 24/7 with around -3000gph pushing so i think there is enough circulation in tank.sand bed is no more than 3"
need some advice.thanks
water isnt stink overall,only when i touched this black spots on sandi can smell rotten.will try to post pic later.
have anything out of your tank long enough, you'll get that smell. i smelled up the entire basement this week for a couple days just having my rock out from the move. I agree with the wait and see, they might be a snail, or some worms, or just starting of some algae, which also smells like death out of the water.
i have three sand sifter starfish not the best looking stars but they do there job i also just bought some snails the ones with the little antena looking thing think they are nasrius snails not sure
the nassarius are good for the first couple inches, and honestly my worms do more airation than anything else in the tank. +1 for seeded inverts, all the creepy crawlies do a decent job.
looks like its getting worse...

I think the lack of a finished cycle and lack of sand sifters is the issue here.

I wouldn't however be concerned with it. I would suggest getting the cycle complete, and getting a good CUC in there to move some of that sand around and get everything going.

There is going to be all kinds of nasties, smells, and other stuff coming out of your tank until you get it all established and minimally matured.
Do you have any fish in there? If not, give it a good stirring, to release the sulfates you're smelling. You need to seed that bed with beneficial creatures that will aerate & turn it over.
It very well could be hydrogen sulfide buildup. It looks like you have very fine sand grains that make up your sand bed. There might not be proper water movement through the bed and over the surface.

did a google of black in reef sand bed.