Nuvo 30G update


So i have change the rock work and added more corals to the tank its ben running for 10 month's now everything is doing great i do by weakly watter changes and feed by weekly im running a nuvo ghost skimmer and added a jbj ato and another mp10 with a reeflink i also upgraded the razors optics to get more spread. Please officer dont judge me so quick ther is a tang in my 30G not for long though here's what happened so i was at the pet store picking up some stuff with the fam and saw the beautiful tang and i sead out loud i wish i could have one and my wife took it as a hint a surprised me the next morning with one I didn't know what to say but thank you later then i explain to her the whole thing with tangs in small tanks so it wont be ther long if anyone's interested in buying it pm me will also take trades interested in a 6 line wrasse or let me know what ya got thanks for looking

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