Nuvo16: what light to use?

I'm using an AI Nano w/controller. Only 5 weeks old so still too new to tell you how good it is, but the corals have been reacting well and I can tune in the blues to get some nice sunrise/sunset color pop. This is my first try using LED's to keep coral so I don't have any comparison for LED's, but would almost say two would be needed for better coverage.

I'd be happy to answer any specific questions you have.
This is when my nuvo 16 was set up

Razor is perfect over it:) later in I hanged it over the tank and it's even better

;) I have one for sale right now haha

I am using a Hydra26 with a controller over my 20 fuasion. Tank looks great so far. I like the light and the options you get with the AI controller. Over all great spread.