Nyos Wild Goji


I can't seem to find info on this to satisfy me. Anyone use it regularly?
I got 2 clowns, fed twice a day.
Rotation of Rods (mixed with bene-fish-al garlic)
Larry's nano
Mysis (Happy Friday m-fers)
I try and toss in Omega One marine flake garlic, and NLS Thera+A. They won't have it.
They are very juvenile fish, they do try the NLS but spit it.

Today I tossed in the Nyos and they loved it. Soft, small, whatever. I just can't seem to find out if it's good regular or more like a treat?

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Wait...there's diff kinda of food like. Breakfast. Treats. Lunch. Dinner?

Brb I'm going to look for steak to feed my fish for dinner.

But seriously. Any food that they will eat can be fed. Not just as a "nice fin flip" here's a treat.

There's tiny pellets used for clownfish smells horrible. But they love it.