ok few questions about clowns


Well-known member
ok i am new to saltwater so bunch of dumb questions i guess ( eeek again :) )

1. i got 2 occelaris clowns and they are hanging together all the time .. can i consider them as a pair ?? if not how would i know if they paired up ??

2. i have a small white (lactose) anemone but they are not going anywhere near it .. will they eventually host it or no ??

3. am i supposed to have an anemone to host the clowns or are they ok with out one ?

4. i see them swim very differently (sideways upside down and what not) different than fresh water fishes .. are they ok ?

5. may the dumbest of all questions ... do they sleep ? cause i always see them active as opposed to freshwater fish (fw fish rest)

thanks for patience and sorry for dumbness

lol we all learn :D

Thanks again
1. Sure, you could consider them a "pair". I think the terminology is "bonded"; "mated" is reserved for those that have spawned.
2. Maybe/maybe not.
3. Okay without one. They may host other things in your tank too.
4. Yes; they're clowns. lol
5. I believe all fish rest. You don't leave the lights on 24/7, do you?

Not dumb to ask questions! :)
mine are hosting my left side return duckbill with a perfectly good BTA about 8 inches away!

Mine do sleep at night and they have preferred spots where they sort of wedge in and reduce their movements.
Yup I was talking about that wedging in the preferred spot I don't see that happen :( I was awake till like 12 at night and woke up at 7 and always see them swimming :(

I only keep the moon lights on at nights

And also they aren't hosting anything it's been a week and they are all over the tank

Thanks all for the replies
give them a lot more time. mine have changed spots several times. I'm still hoping they find either my BTA or xenia.
Mine eat everything I put in the tank. I think most breeders will tell you that they are only going to spawn if the eat with high frequency and variety. Mine LOVE nutrimar OVA and it's a good place to start if they are very small when you get them. Mine even eat rods reef when I am trying to spot feed. They're basically orange and white pigs.