OMG! Blue Tang swimming without a body :-(



This is sad to see How can someone do this? the vid is saying that the fisherman gutted the fish why WTH!
I will buy another tank for that fish only if he still alive and give it to me...
Feel sorry and sad for the fish.
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Cruelty doesn't really have bounds ? what are humans really upto if they can harm a helpless creature that way :( really sick ppl out there ..
I like to meet the jackass that did that. See if he could swim with no arms and legs!
I watched a documentary about the harvesting of shark fins for shark fin soup. And it wasn't much different, only the sharks couldn't swim cause the Chinese fisherman cut off the fins than tossed them back!
I watched a documentary about the harvesting of shark fins for shark fin soup. And it wasn't much different, only the sharks couldn't swim cause the Chinese fisherman cut off the fins than tossed them back!

yes, that's a traditional meal in East Asian. But I thought Japanese are the ones hunting those sharks and whales.
This was an older documentary so u could be right about who is currently doing the harvesting but still so very crul!
Feel sorry for the fish :( I saw a documentary on how pigs are tortured in some of the farms in the US. We all are contributing to animal suffering as long as we eat them. Pigs are intelligent. They cry like human babies when they know that they are about to get killed.
No matter how small the animal, nothing infuriates me more than "tough guys" harming animals. No place for animal cruelty
This could also be a result of another fish taking a big bite, then for whatever reason not finishing. Nature is cruel. I hope no human did this, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least.