Onyx clowns?


I recently purchased a pair of onyx clowns from the frag swap in st Charles Illinois. They appear very healthy but just don't have the onyx coloration... They're a few months old and less then an inch and a half long. Can anyone tell me about the progression of coloration in this species?
I have a pair of onyx that I got from Matt Pederson about 5 years ago. They were 72 days old when I got them, they didn't have any onyx coloring at the time. But they sure do now! Just wait it out! In the mean time, post some pics!
Most onyx get their full color by the age of 18-24 months. I am assuming you got them from me so they are around 10 months old.
Here are the clowns! I got them from the vender that was across from the rods reef table so if that was you thanks goat!
I've also got a pair of picassos that are a little under a year. Can I expect them to fill in with any more black or is their pattern already pretty set?