ORA sps - pls help


New member
I recently added a couple ORA sps into my tank, they did well the first couple days but are doing progressively worse. The fleshy base is slowly receding and exposing the skeleton. The polyp extension is ok but is less than when I got them.

NA 0
AM 0
NO 0
pH 8.4
CA 470
ALK 9.0
MG 1120
PO4 0.04
SAL 1.025

Running a filter sock and 3 reactors. Captiv Phos W, carbon, and purigen

Have a skimmer running and pulling wetter skimmate

The tank is 15 gal with 10 gal sump with a mag 7.5 and mp10 circulating

Running leds, approx. 5 watt per gal
Don't know par value

Any input is much appreciated
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How did u acclimate the corals?
What kind of livestock do u have in your tank already?
What temperature do u run your tank?
How old is your current tank?

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I am not an expert on SPS....but most of the guys selling high end SPS are probably running T5's or MH's.....not to mention perfect water parameters. That is why I do not order on line anymore. I would rather buy locally to know the exact conditions before I buy and see if I can come close to what the coral was in....sorry I was no help...lol.
How did u acclimate the corals?
What kind of livestock do u have in your tank already?
What temperature do u run your tank?
How old is your current tank?

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Yes age of tank and do u have temp swings since tank so small they tend to fluctuate alot and that has benn cause of the issues u r talking about. I never acclimated a coral and lost maybe 2 frags in last god knows how many years . From my experiance on my sps tank high and low numbers as long as constant effect color more then anything its big fluctuations in little time that seem to cause rtn and stn . Stability is key to sps and stability is hrd to keep in a smaller tank u almost need lot more equipment to keep em stabile then a bigger tank. Twice now i found out heater busted and at night tank would drop 6 degrees but every time i checked during day with nights on tank was right temp lights out tank dropped and few pieces stn new heater stabile temp everything recovered. So check that out.