Our Harlequin&cleaner shrimp pics.


Active member
So the smaller of the pair comes out to look for a starfish and the wife snaps a few quick pics.Enjoy.




And here's our cleaner shrimp on eggs.



since mine was tiny it ate chips sand sifters linkias marble and everyonce in a while these lil stars in my tank
i have had an infestation of the tiny asterinas since the beginning of my tank. its the bad kind that eat zoas too. thats why i was looking into it
the fish store swore they do and i have not seen a outbreak of mine but kept in check maybe badgus has seen his actually eat the lil ones
Harliquin shrimp will eat all asternia stars. A single will clear a 150g tank of them in a couple weeks though so be ready to start feeding choco chip stars or find them a new home.

Tell your wife nice pics Gus, now lets see some photos of the big tank! They have been so scarce.
They ate all the attired in the 30g cube within a week,ever since then I buy them mainly chocolate chip stars and Orange linkias.
The shrimp released the eggs,anyone know if any ever survive?Also how do i sex my Harlequins?
The shrimp released the eggs,anyone know if any ever survive?Also how do i sex my Harlequins?

My cleaners spawn and hatch like every 10-14 days. Sometimes a few babies make their way down the overflow, past the skimmer, bypass the filter floss, get sucked up thru a mj1200 into my BRS dual reactor and just chill between the bowl and canister. They will still be alive in there a few days, but I have not yet attempted a grow out system to try and raise them. I just figure it's a good free meal every other week for everything else in the tank.
Oh ok,is it even worth raising or trying?

As a hobbyist trying something new, I say yes if you want to put the time and effort into it. I really doubt much will come of it as a financial endeavor however. I haven't seen a whole lot of resource about tank raised Scarlett shrimp that has a positive outlook, they are considered to be an expert only invert to breed in captivity.

On the upside, now that they are mating, it should become a regular occurrence in the tank for you to enjoy watching.
lots of good breeder info here. sum1 on the reef tank almost had success in his DT. he fed blender mush. you have too have food always on hand for the babies. pretty much need the algae n rotifers before they spawn. GL tho
Female Harlequin Shrimp are slightly larger than males. Females also have blue tips on their abdominal legs, while males have transparent legs.
So the one that always comes out to hunt is the male?The other one hardly ever moves and is almost twice as big as the one pictured.Thanks for the info.