Paint won't stick to glass

I tried to paint the back of my tank and the paint would fisheye and not stick in one spot right above the silicone. I'm thinking there was silicone there that was cleaned up but left some kind of residue. There is nothing there I can see or feel. I have cleaned the glass with windex, a vinegar water solution and scraped area with razor blade. Paint still won't stick in that spot. I decided to go the window tint route instead of painting, but I am worried it will not adhere in that spot either (have not tried yet though). Does anyone know what I can use to remove whatever chemical residue is there without ruining or etching my glass? TIA
Alcohol...99.9 if you can get it. Nail polish remover.

Should dry out anything in the area and its safe on glass. Make sure the tank IS glass as it may damage the clarity of the glass.

Id suggest stronger solvents but not accesible to most. Diesel/gasoline can work also on glass.
Exactly, alcohol. Denatured alcohol is the best as it'll clean most oils and when it dires it won't leave any form of residue to cause contamination. You usually can get 91% or 99% rubbing alcohol at the grocery store or drug store. Denatured you can get at any big box store; menards, lowes, etc.