Paly ID

If you are speaking of the bright green ones, those are radioactive dragon eyes. The other browner ones are a nuisance and you should try and remove them. They are ugly proto-palys that WILL try and take over. GL with the removal, they are a pain in the arse!
Sorry, Yes I am referring to the proto-palys. Guess its time to operate

Thanks, Ya I want to remove them, they are quite ugly.

haha ya i knew about the radio dragon eyes, I have a few more of those. Thanks!! :top:
Sorry, Yes I am referring to the proto-palys. Guess its time to operate

Thanks, Ya I want to remove them, they are quite ugly.

haha ya i knew about the radio dragon eyes, I have a few more of those. Thanks!! :top:

NP. Just be careful when doing so. Use gloves, some sort of goggles and even a mouth mask if you can. They are very dangerous. I've gotten their slime and gotten squirted by them on my skin and it burned in my part. The reason I say some sort of goggles is because I wear glasses and a squirt nearly got me right by my eye. Also don't want none of that near your mouth. I know I may sound a little overly cautious but I've seen and heard of plenty of bad things with protos. I frag all of the time and I still am not comfortable doing protos without caution.
Injecting them with lemon juice seems to work. You can tell that they are all part of the same mat because if you inject enough you will see lemon juice coming from the other polyp's mouth. Some might survive just inject them again.