Paly Toxins While Fragging


New member
I'm a FB friend of Melev's & he posted this just now:

Two of my friends got play toxin poisoning last night. They were fragging acros on a tile saw and cutting off any stray zoas. Apparently they inhaled the mist coming of the saw and got so sick they nearly had convulsions. The ER today told them they were over the worst of it and couldn't do anything to help, even refunding the co-pay (imagine that!) so be careful and think about what you are doing y'all.
Yeah, that's crazy. Happened to me once, and the drs kept thinking it was meningitis or a bad case of the flu. Ended up spending a week in the hospital.
wow thats crazy my mom was just like your never going to frag yours now. then my dad says he will do it under water.

my question is, is it ok to cut them under water in the tank
I frag zoas all the time. Even the more toxic protopalys. I don't use gloves. This guy used a tile saw that is misted with water. i only use a razor blade or coral nippers.
I frag zoas all the time. Even the more toxic protopalys. I don't use gloves. This guy used a tile saw that is misted with water. i only use a razor blade or coral nippers.

If you have a cut on your hand or get squirted in the eye, you will be in trouble. Always wear eye protection and gloves. And keep your children and pets away.
Here's what I wear when fragging zoas:

Well, I do wear glasses but can't see up close with them on, so I wind up taking them off. I have gotten the toxin in a few cuts throughout the years but nothing that I've lost a finger over.