Here is a pic of what I have in my tank. I have been told they are harmless unless they get large BUT I have searched and searched the internet with no conclusive evidence as too them being harmless or not. The reason I say that is everyone talks about having a couple in the tank that they see at night with the lights out...... Well the difference is I have HUNDREDS if not more! And they arent afraid of the lights! They are covering the back glass and scattered throughout the front and sides! They are very small (pin head) at the moment. If it was just a couple I dont think I would worry but like I said I have literally HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS!!!! They all popped up suddenly over the weekend and I noticed them last night. I am concerned about them and the corals. Is there any harm with them? Will they die off here shortly to small numbers? There isnt alot of info on these on the net. Any help/opinions would be appreciated! Thanks