Pipe Organ Coral


New member
My inquiry serves two purposes:

1) Why aren't there more reefers growing this coral?

Perhaps,because a live specimen looks too much like GSP but has calcium demands of an SPS...
Also, it is a bear to clean once you get algae on it.

2) In the Pacific, the red skeleton for the coral was a mainstay for marine aquariums in the 70s, I don't think anybody knew it had the benefits of live rock. The porosity is high and consistent. and it is much lighter than live rock. Shouldn't we be using it?

(Please google images of : "red pipe organ coral") or click on: https://www.google.com/search?q=pip...WCCQQ_AUIBygC#tbm=isch&q=red+pipe+organ+coral
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I couldn't tell you the last time I've even seen any in a LFS or OnlineFS. Demand isn't there, but neither is supply. Chicken or the egg?
That's nice to hear.

I was watching the comparisons at BRS which included Marine block. I thought to myself: Why not the skeleton of this coral? Water runs almost straight thru this thing. Additionally, the stuff is super light.

My second question is: While it complete evaporate in a muriatic acid bath? (For fast and easy cleaning.)

I want to get a box sent over and experiment.
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My pipe organ that I bought from top water over a year ago!

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I grew some to some huge softball sizes . It took up valuable space I wanted for prettier corals so I chopped them up and sold them of dirt cheap. It was a great grower and people did take interest in it but I just got bored with it . I still have a piece just to have cause I like different corals . It's far better than green star polyps in my opinion . It has a tube structure like a feather duster kinda neat.