Pipefish anyone?


Active member
Does anyone else here keep pipefish? I just got a pair of banded pipefish a week ago.

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They are only eating live mysis shrimp. They seem to eat as they please, not like ur typical fish that will eat live food right away. Don't think these will make it to my DPT and I'm not really interested in setting up another tank. They will be very easy to take care of, though. Just dump a few live mysis here and there, and they will eat whenever they want. Will see what I decide.

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I keep pipefish and used to keep seahorses too. I’ve had the worst luck with the banded pipefish, probably since I have no access to live mysis and a small tank. But my blue stripe have been almost bulletproof. If you decide against keeping yours, shoot me a PM.
I had a blue pipefish before as well. He did great. I thought these guys were the same. But they act more like seahorses where as the blue pipefish acts more like an active fish.

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