pistol shrimp and cleaner shrimp


New member
i have a yellow watchman and i want to add a pistol shrimp so that they can pair up. but i also want to add a cleaner can i add both? if i cant add both i just want a cleaner. thanks in advance.


New member
Don't pistol shrimp crack glass? I love cleaners especially when they craw on your hand and pick off the dead skin.... Gross I know but really cool.


New member
I've heard they have cracked glass by the way they make the clicking/thumping noise. Seen some pics too on sumps that have been blown out in the past.


New member
o wow im not so interested all of a sudden now if i had a bigger tank with thicker glass then maybe but ill just go for the cleaner i want.


Premium member
If you did decide to get a pistol shrimp, it would co-exist with the cleaner shrimp. In rare cases has the pistol cracked glass.


New member
i think those sexy shrimp are a bit to tiny arent they ive seen them at my lfs. i do want both the pistol and cleaner but dont wanna have one of them kill the other and be out a few buck. and its a 29 gallon tank. is that enough space to keep them together?


Premium member
The pistol shrimp will set up a territory with the goby, and never really move from there...and the cleaner will set up his own "cleaning station" in the tank. As long as both shrimp respect the others space, they'll be ok.