Please help ID


Im not sure what is it. First pick was made couple months ago. It was bigger then now. I started removing it manually and it was almost all gone. Then now I noticed that 4,5 rocks have that growing on them. One is almost all covered. It doesn't bother me that much. I'm just afraid it can take over my tank. Do you guys know what that can be? Should I worry? Remove it as much as I can or just leave it. Thanks for all help in advance.
I got 125 with 30 gal. mixed Reef. Only one tang. Yellow eye, Kole Tang. Did not see him picking on it…

Yeah, Kole is hit or miss on macro algae. They really prefer diatoms in my experience. Yellow tang, sailfin, purple, black, and scopas are some that I know will eat it. Like I said though, turbo snails will go at it too. Then there are always rabbitfish.

Nice tank by the way!
I got Yellow in QT. Will go in on weekend. Will see… Thanks.
Yeah, Kole is hit or miss on macro algae. They really prefer diatoms in my experience. Yellow tang, sailfin, purple, black, and scopas are some that I know will eat it. Like I said though, turbo snails will go at it too. Then there are always rabbitfish.

Nice tank by the way!