Please tell me this is something I can just siphon out (Algae ID Please)


So I thought I just had a little diatom bloom on one rock, but it absolutely exploded while I was at work today. These pictures may make ID difficult, but it is dark brown (not as red to the naked eye as it appears in the pics). It is not stringy and seems almost like a really thick covering of spider web. I'm going to do my weekly WC tonight and see how much I can siphon out, but if anyone can supply a positive ID I would appreciate it. I just know enough to be freaked out by it (dino, cyano, film algae, diatoms?) :argh::argh::argh::argh::argh::nurse::dancing2:
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They make a cyano stuff that is is called Boyd Chemiclean Red Slime Cyano Bacteria Remover, it works well. Get more water flow to that area.
It looks like red slime algea. I'm not sure but I've heard chemiclean helps but u have to find out what is the source of that problem.
They make a cyano stuff that is is called Boyd Chemiclean Red Slime Cyano Bacteria Remover, it works well. Get more water flow to that area.

Thanks for the product. The flow issue can't be it because my MP10 basically points directly at this spot. Everything I am reading points to red slime though. So I think you are probably right. How likely is it that I can cure that without any sort of extra chemical? I'd rather kill it at the source and know what I am doing to cause it.
remove the rock and scrub the stuff off. Or you can bleach the rock and then rinse and wait a week and then put it back in...
Chemiclean will not hurt your biological filtration, but it is simply a band aid for tanks with nutrient issues.
Years ago this was the belief of many. I am no chemist but I will play it safe and not use it.

I do agree it is not a permanent fix.
I did a full test (API marine and Reef sets) and actually saw a slight green tinge in my amonia. When I tested again it was even less, but I hadn't seen anything but first color for months. All of the other params were perfect and sal is right at 1.026 I did a 5 gal water change (20% or so I guess) and was able to remove virtually all of the offending growth. It basically came out in one piece when I hit it with the siphon. I cut my lights back to 8 hours and am fingers crossed for what it looks like when I get home tonight. Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I think I am probably at fault with this because I am having trouble determining the appropriate feeding method for my stock. I feel like if I don't make a food hurricane my clowns eat everything before my yasha and cherub get a share. Thanks for all of the idea everyone. I may have won a battle, but the war continues even if you can't see the enemy.
It was up to the base of one SPS, but once I siphoned it out I couldn't even see where it was. The test will be what I see when I get home.