Pocillopora Help


New member

Alright, so I picked this up from anothe reefer several months ago. Thought it was a Green pocillopora, however there are no traces of green...just pink (another common color). I have it in the upper third of my tank, middle, directly under a 150w MH 14K. I've noticed these "black spots" where the ployps are that come and go.

Explaination/something to be concerned about?
Don't know Dan. . . beats me as well. The tank looks good though. The corals look amazing and super happy in there!
It could just be capturing food, especially if you are feeding the corals. Or it could be a lighting or flow issue that is making it unhappy.
It would be STN, but it does look like the bottom has something going on. As far as the black dots, my Pocilipora was like that after I freshwater dipped it when I was out of CoralRX. Went away after a few weeks and now it is one of my favorite pieces.
Is the bottom part of it rtn'ing?

I dont think it's stn'ing (if it was rtn, it'd be gone by now! :))

I have a pink poci, the stem is pretty shaded by the colony itself, so it either looks clear/bleached or maybe that area has died off due to lack of light? mine looks similar, but I need to look closer.
Thats for all the help everyone. I think the 'black spots' are just the polpys closed up (feeded, upset, etc). I also realized that these are a lower light SPS so I will be moving them down to mid tank as I verified that it is a Green Pocillopora, so we'll see if that helps it color up. It still seems to be getting some growth were it was, hopefully now I can get the color back.
My pocillopora bottom looks like that as well. i think it's from the lack of light... Now my milli and my digi frags have some kinda RTN or STN... gotta look into it... 1st time i've seen my tank since thanksgiving. You're tank looks great DB!