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hi i have a duncan that im worried about. it has been looking good but every once in a while a lot of bubbly slime comes out and off it. i thought it was poop but im worried it might be spuing zoozanthalli out. spease chime in to help.
i do feed it so at first i thought it was just poo. it had done it befor and was doing great. i have it in a rubbermade quarintine tank while the main was cycleing. the ammonia started getting high and i had been doing daily water changes. since it started doing it again today it has not opend back up. i have other pics but these are the best. it is slimy clear gue that looks like it has a bunch of tiny bubbles in it. it is hard to get a good pic bc it is clear.
i ran out of clean water after doing a 80% wc in the quarintine. it still showed .5 ammonia and my display has less than .25ppm so untill i can get more water i transferd the frag and my snails into the main tank. i hope it does not die. have any of you ever seen the zoozanthellea come out clear slimy and bubbly befor. it still had color and i fed it today just closed up.
so it almost looks like color is coming out of the middle where it is closed now. so now im sad i belive it is gana die. here is another pic maybe u can see beter. thanks for the help i will update tommarowView attachment 11813
Do you provide any light for the coral/corals in your QT/holding tank? Most likely it's dying for poor husbandry, the slim is a response to an irritant. A form of self defense, you could say. Duncans are a real hardy LPS, almost bulletproof. Hope it pulls through.
i have it in a rubbermade quarintine tank while the main was cycleing. the ammonia started getting high and i had been doing daily water changes. since it started doing it again today it has not opend back up.

i ran out of clean water after doing a 80% wc in the quarintine. it still showed .5 ammonia and my display has less than .25ppm so untill i can get more water i transferd the frag and my snails into the main tank. i hope it does not die.

with all due respect, you are killing it. It is apparent by your posts that you are cycling a new set up and prematurely introduced coral(s) to your tank. Any level of Ammonia (and therefore you likely have Nitrites as well) is a sign of a "not ready" aquarium. If you have a friend with an established SW aquarium, I would highly suggest you give them your coral and hope that it is not too late to save it.
i have tryed to get a lfs to hold it for me bc i didnt want it to die, they would not. the tank was cycled befor about 6 months ago but i let it sit while i got my leds up and running. apparently the bacteria went dorment or died so i had to recycle it. the quarientine had low light on it. i am worried i am killing it. it was doing good in the quarientine but was still doing the slime. i was wondering if anyone had seen the slime from a duncan. i guess that is all. i used lr to seed the tank. it also had live sand but sat for a while so i added new lr
If the dunkin is your only piece of livestock id stop doing waterchanges. Get the dunkin out. Let the tank cycle and do more research. Dunkins are hard to piss off. Seeing it in a cave without light is frustrating. What leds are u using? Why would the tank have to recycle. did you let it sit without flow and heater?
i have read many different things on duncans so saying it need high light some saying low. this one seems to close when it is in high light. it is not in a cave just under a shelf for shade.i had had it out while the tank was recycling but i ran out of water for my quarintine. i have more now and am taking it back out of the tank. does any one know if the snails could survive the cycle or should i try and hunt them down. and yes it sat without flow so it wasn't geting any oxygen. o and the leds are dimmable cree. any advice is well welcomed im not afraid of constructive cridisisum. like my spelling, lol
Yeah my Duncan is out in the middle of the tank with good current and it is growing like crazy. It was the very first coral I ever bought!! It's a hardy coral but No3 and Ammonia will knock it out. Mine has been through the worst a tank can get but it just keeps on growing. In fact I need to frag it out because its just to much. IMO..ur placement in the cave is not a great location for this coral.