My gsp has been growing like crazy but the last few weeks the polyps are at roughly 50% extension. My parameters are undetectable nitrates, <.2 phosphates, 440 ca, 7-8 dkh. My system is about 8 mouths young. 75gl with 55gl sump . Anyways, At night when I shine a light on it I always see a small bristle worm then it crawls under the skin of the gsp. From what I've found searching the web that shouldn't be the problem but I can't think of anything else. I was thinking of doing a coral dip with seachem reef dip, any advice would be great. Maybe it's just going through a phase and I should be more patient. Oh I forgot one other thing. I recently purchased a emerald crab around the time this starting happening. I don't think that's it either but I thought I would throw that out there. Thanks for looking