Poor GSP extension?


My gsp has been growing like crazy but the last few weeks the polyps are at roughly 50% extension. My parameters are undetectable nitrates, <.2 phosphates, 440 ca, 7-8 dkh. My system is about 8 mouths young. 75gl with 55gl sump . Anyways, At night when I shine a light on it I always see a small bristle worm then it crawls under the skin of the gsp. From what I've found searching the web that shouldn't be the problem but I can't think of anything else. I was thinking of doing a coral dip with seachem reef dip, any advice would be great. Maybe it's just going through a phase and I should be more patient. Oh I forgot one other thing. I recently purchased a emerald crab around the time this starting happening. I don't think that's it either but I thought I would throw that out there. Thanks for looking
fwiw my gsp has always been really random in its behavior. it will stay closed for long periods from time to time and has always grown back. I think most people view gsp as one step above a kenya tree (which I think is the last stop before xenia), in its indestructibility and potential conversion to pest status, but I really like it. Now that you've asked I'm curious if others will agree (I think they will), but thanks for bringing it up and I hope your gsp is just shy from getting felt up by the new emerald.
Mine is hot and cold as well. Sometimes it closes up for a few days at a time, then it looks great again. I know that GSP's are very sensitive to algae growth on them. Hit it with a turkey baster just to be sure nothing is settled on it. Although now that I'm thinking about it, it probably wouldn't open at all if that were the problem. Anyway, I wouldn't worry too much about it.
Mine acts up all the time... Can take a few days to get back to normal so dont freak out.. I have some if you lose yours ;)

But all natural tank water with no chemicals :D

Mine grows like crazy in my tank. My mother rock as I call it is about five inches in size and covered all the way around. I put it on a stack of rocks in the back of the tank and let it grow . It took over. Completely covered three other rocks and a nice long branch rock I have. I had to break the rocks apart then I scraped tons of the rocks to remove it. One rock I sold. Now I notice the polyps on the mother rock are the longest and greenest . I would say almost four inches but as you move farther away on more on to the rocks it grew onto it looks shorter. I have ripped the mother rock from the others it grow onto three times in the past year. And each time it has tripled in size and covered all the surrounding Rocks . I have had times it has been closed for two three days then start to open. I have seen bristle worms on mine also but never bothered it. My clown was even hosting it for a while . It's pretty but can be a pest
Mine is still struggling. Hopefully it will come back. I frag about a 2" piece then I did a coral on the rest of the colony. Its been about a week with no change.