posting here looks more fun than studying


New member
Just got my first saltwater tank within the last week. Now i'm in the process of realizing how much there is to know! Makes the freshwater tank i got a few months ago seem so easy. Got a 14g nano off a forum, just needed to add lights and fish. Have 2 clowns in now (not room for much more), and would love to add some wallet friendly coral/anemones if possible at some point but not sure if the size of the tank is going to allow. Couldn't go too big yet since moving them isn't the easiest.

Look forward to learning from you all
in aurora
There are many experienced people here who can answer your questions. We try keep it fun and relaxed. :)

Here's a pic of the tank. Low quality since from phone, but better than nothing! Do i even have room for much else in there like coral/anemones?
Plenty of room in there for some corals, and depending what kind of lighting you have, an anemone, however, I would wait at least a few months to let your tank truly stabilize before placing the anemone in there.
Hand pluck that algae away, and you will have room for a small rbta and a few soft sorals/lps. Assuming you have proper lighting.
Take it slow though. :)