Preview From Today's Nem Getting Trip


New member
I'll get some better photos of all my nems in the next few days when they are opened up and I have time to mess with the white balance on the camera.

The famous local "Sunburst" from Crooks (this one looks WAY better expanded and with a proper white balance):


Flame Tip from Aquapros:

Sweet, so you did end up getting the "flame". I still don't see any yellow in the tips of mine, but still a sweet nem nonetheless. Looking forward to the "good" shots when you update.
Here is also one that I got in yesterday from Happy Coral. It was listed as a Flame but looks more like a normal rainbow. Either way a very nice nem. Looked way better yesterday when it was on top under the light, but it decided to crawl down into a cave. Hopefully it will come back out in time.

With my Crooks Snowflake:

They jump around from Nem to Nem. Unfortunately one of the Rainbows and one of the Flames have decided to take up residence underneath rock shelves. You can still see them but they don't fluoresce without the bright lighting. Luckily the sunburst has decided to plant its foot front and center.