Problem with halides on PC4


Well-known member
Recently my RKE has been struggling to keep my halide on. There will be like a random day or couple days where it will fire up then shut off and not turn back on. The program is setup as follows

-1:00 PM ON
-8:00 PM OFF

The program is set to auto. It is plugged into the third channel on one of my PC4s and I did notice that the channel it's plugged into is flashing the blue light instead of being steady like it should if it's on.

Any ideas what might be causing this issue?
What's the temp at on the tank? Did you set that outlet for MH light? If so what is your historieses(sp) it may be turning it off because of the temp in the tank. In my experience(very limited) the mh lights get touchy with on and off rapidly.

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I do not believe I set it up in conjunction with the temperature. To be honest I wanted to but wasn't sure how so I'm almost positive that's not it. And my tanks temperature has been rock solid at 78 so there hasn't been any fluctuations that would have triggered it even if it was set up like that
Ok thanks I'll give that a try. I was thinking that maybe the halides were drawing too much amperage for the plug but didn't know some outlets were different from others
Ok so I tried almost every outlet (outlets 1 and 4) on all three of my PC4s and still can't get the halide to run properly. It will start powering up and them just shut off and not come back on. Sometimes the it'll power up long enough for the bulb to reach maximum intensity. Sometimes it will only power up for a second or two before shutting back off. Why is this happening. It works if you just plug it into an outlet on the wall but for some reason the RKE is tripping or something. Could it be that the halide is actually tripping the outlets on the PC4?
Ok I lied it's not working on the outlet I thought it was but wasn't. So clearly no longer an issue with the RKE but the halide itself. What would cause this? It will start to fire up at 1:00 like it should but then shuts off when it's at or near peak intensity and then won't turn back on? Is it a ballast issue?